Thursday, January 2, 2014

January Apprentice Readings and Inspirements

This week you have two choices. The following are inspirements for everyone. Then you can make a choice between two options.

1. Watch: Be the Change

What does this video teach you about initiative? Write down your thoughts about the video and what you can do today to "Be the Change" and show initiative. How does initiative change people's hearts?

2. Think About:

Do a word study on initiative, industry, or idleness. How do we show initiative? How does the Lord feel about idleness? In what ways are you showing initiative in your life right now? How is initiative different than idleness? Think of some of your heroes from history--how have they shown initiative?

3. Read: The first two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence and the following article:

4. Read: The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

5. Read:

Girls: Understood Betsy from Betsy Goes to School to If You Don't Like a Conversation In This Book Skip This Chapter

Boys: Johnny Tremain chapters 4-6

6. Project:

Continue working on your chosen project for this month. Remember, this project should be something that is personally meaningful and inspiring to you. This is the application part of apprentice (applying principles to ourselves). Are you being challenged? Are you blessing someone else? Don't forget: we will be giving presentations on our projects. Keep working on it. This week, write your feelings about what you are learning from your project. Send me an email about your feelings or bring me a little paragraph to class.

Here comes your choice.

Read and study this:

Read the rest of the Declaration of Independence. Write down as many principles as you can find. Write down any "rights of man" or "unalienable rights" that are outlined in the declaration. Choose one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence (see the list here). Please sign up for the one you are choosing. Read more about the signer that you picked (who they were, what their life was like before and after the war, family life, values, contribution to our country, etc.)
Prepare to come to class for a debate on "the rights of man" or our "unalienable rights". Come prepared to argue as if you were the signer you have chosen. Here are some inspirements you might choose:
  • Write a paper as if you were your signer
  • Create a picture or collage of what your signer looked like
  • Create a Prezi about your signer
  • Make a list of things that your signer did or was passionate about
  • (See Teaching Ideas for further ideas)


Read and study this:

Read about one of the heroes of our country during the Revolutionary War. Here is a website that lists a short biography of some of the heroes during this time period (I have not read them all, so please use cautious judgement when choosing your hero). As you study this person, please come prepared to show how your hero showed initiative. 
Prepare an inspirement that will teach us what you learned from your readings and your thoughts about diligence. In can be visual, written, an activity, something you make or build, an object lesson, etc. See Teaching Ideas if you need further ideas.