Thursday, January 30, 2014

February Master Readings and Inspirements

1. Finish: A Tale of Two Cities


Pick your choice of the following (you can write an essay or other type of paper, make a video, write a blog post, or come up with something on your own-no prezis or skits-if you clear it with Sister Shupe or Sister Bird).
  • A Tale of Two Cities is full of contrasts-"it was the best of times, it was the worst of times" is one of the best known beginnings to a novel. Choose 2 or 3 things or people to compare and contrast. Some examples would be: compare the reasons and results of the American and French Revolution, or contrast the characters of Carton and Darnay or the women of the French Revolution and Lucie. Make sure to consider the principles which influenced the people or events.
  • A Tale of Two Cities highlights transformation-of France; of people. Share your thoughts about a transformation you found in the book and how or why it affected you. Did reading this book transform you in any way? Share that with us.
  • Dickens used a theme of resurrection and redemption in A Tale of Two Cities. What examples did you find of this theme? Do you agree that this was the theme? If not, what do you think it was? Show examples.
  • Write a story of your own using one or more characters from the book. Don't forget to include historical facts and/or stories and make sure your character(s) illustrate a principle that you found in the book.
  • Some of the characters faced imprisonment, either physically, as a result of addictions, from circumstances in their lives, etc. Share your thoughts and examples with the class. Consider whether you also are bound in some way as a result of habits or thoughts or something else. How can you work on changing them? Make a plan and follow through.

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