1. Read: The Freedom Factor ch. 11-20
2. Read: The following parts of the U.S. Constitution:
- Preamble
- Article I
- Article II
- Article III
3. Read: John 15:1-27 OR Matthew 5:1-48 (please choose only one)
4. Watch:
5. Project:
Continue working on your chosen project for this month. Remember, this project should be something that is personally meaningful and inspiring to you. This is the application part of apprentice (applying principles to ourselves). Are you being challenged? Are you blessing someone else? Don't forget: we will be giving presentations on our projects. Keep working on it. This week, write your feelings about what you are learning from your project. Send me an email about your feelings or bring me a little paragraph to class.
For History Class, you have each been assigned to ONE branch of government (look for an email; I didn't want to post it on a public blog). Please do the following for the branch of government that you have been assigned:
Study: Study and prepare a presentation on the roles and responsibility of your branch (you will be responsible to share your presentation with others who did not study about your branch of government so please make sure you do a thorough presentation).
Hero Study: Study about a person who has served in your branch, either today or during the period of history we are studying this year. Learn about how they handled their responsibilities as a member of that branch.
(This video has quizzes at the end. You can continue watching and take them if you want, but it's not required).
Create: Create a visual presentation on the branch of government you are assigned. This can be art work, build something, write a paper, bake something, prezi, skit, etc.(If you choose to do a prezi or skit you will need to record it and send it out before class. We will not have enough time during class for prezis or skits).
Think About: Complete a word study on "Government." Think about the following: How do checks and balances keep our lives in order? How do checks and balances between the different branches of Government keep our government in order? What has happened in history when balance is overridden? What happens in our own lives when we get out of balance? How do we fix our own lives?How can we fix our branches of government when they are out of balance?
Study: Study and prepare a presentation on the roles and responsibility of your branch (you will be responsible to share your presentation with others who did not study about your branch of government, so please make sure you do a thorough presentation).
Hero Study: Study about a person who has served in your branch, either today or during the period of history we are studying this year. Learn about how they handled their responsibilities as a member of that branch.
(This video has quizzes at the end. You can continue watching and take them if you want, but it's not required).
Create: A visual presentation on the branch of government you are assigned. This can be art work, build something, write a paper, bake something, prezi, skit, etc.(If you choose to do a prezi or skit you will need to record it and send it out before class. We will not have enough time during class for prezis or skits).
Think About: Complete a word study on "Government." Think about the following: How do checks and balances keep our lives in order? How do checks and balances between the different branches of Government keep our government in order? What has happened in history when balance is overridden? What happens in our own lives when we get out of balance? How do we fix our own lives? How can we fix our branches of government when they are out of balance?
Study: Study and prepare a presentation on the roles and responsibility of your branch (you will be responsible to share your presentation with others who did not study about your branch of government so please make sure you do a thorough presentation).
Hero Study: Study about a person who has served in your branch, either today or during the period of history we are studying this year. Learn about how they handled their responsibilities as a member of that branch.
(This video has quizzes at the end. You can continue watching and take them if you want, but it's not required).
Create: Create a visual presentation on the branch of government you are assigned. This can be art work, build something, write a paper, bake something, prezi, skit, etc.(If you choose to do a prezi or skit you will need to record it and send it out before class. We will not have enough time during class for prezis or skits).
Think About: Complete a word study on "Government." Think about the following... How do checks and balances keep our lives in order? How do checks and balances between the different branches of Government keep our government in order? What has happened in history when balance is overridden? What happens in our own lives when we get out of balance? How do we fix our own lives? How can we fix our branches of government when they are out of balance?