Monday, August 26, 2013

September Journeyman Readings and Inspirements

Do ALL of the following:
1. Read: The Story of Liberty
  • Chapter 5: The Men Who Ask Questions 
  • Chapter 9: The Man Who Can Do No Wrong 
  • Chapter 15: The Men Who Obey Orders 
2. Read: The Prince by Machiavelli
  • Chapter 17: Concerning Cruelty and Clemency, and Whether it is Better to be Loved or Feared
  • Chapter 18: Concerning the Way in which Princes should Keep Faith
3. Record: Do ONE of the following for each chapter:
  • Write 3-5 sentences about what you thought was important in the chapter OR
  • Draw a graphic summary or picture about what you thought was important in the chapter
4. Put 2-3 people and/or events on your timeline

Choose ONE of the following:
  •  Research the life of Machiavelli, write a paper, and report to the class on what you learned.
  • A famous quote from The Prince is: “it is better to be feared than loved”. What do you think about Machiavelli's statement? Write a persuasive paper or speech to agree or disagree with him.
  • Do your own research on what life was like during this time period (late 1400's-early 1500's) and present your findings to the group. Tell/show/explain to us the things which interested you about their lives- such as; what were their houses like? what did they eat? how did they earn their money? what did they do with their money? what did they have control over? What did their religion mean to them?
Choose ONE of the following. Write a paper on your choice of the following topics, or on a related topic you feel strongly about:
  •  In The Prince, Machiavelli writes, “Therefore it is unnecessary for a prince to have all the good qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them.” Do you agree with this? Why or why not? Find scriptures to back up your thoughts.
  • The Jesuits believed that the end justified the means. They would do anything in order to further the goals of the Pope. Is this a gospel teaching? Find scriptures to back up your ideas.
  • As you read the 2 chapters from The Prince, pick out an idea of Machiavelli's that you see being played out in our times. Give an example of where you see that and tell us your opinions on whether it is right or wrong.
  • Choose a “Become” from the Apprentice or Master readings.

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