Monday, August 26, 2013

September Apprentice Readings and Inspirements

Do ALL of the following:
1. Before you begin your studies, plan this week's studies and discuss it with your parents. Use something like a SAR (Student Accountability Report) and weekly parent mentor meeting (PMM)
2. Read: The Story of Liberty
  • Chapter 10: The Boy Who Sang For His Breakfast
  • Chapter 11: What the Boy Who Sang For His Breakfast Saw in Rome
  • Chapter 12: The Boy-Cardinal
  • Chapter 16: Plans that Did Not Come to Pass
3. Record: Do ONE of the following for each chapter:
  • Write 3-5 sentences about what you thought was important in the chapter OR
  • Draw a graphic summary or picture about what you thought was important in the chapter OR 
  • Add 2-3 people/events to your timeline and bring it to class to share with us
4. Memorize: These dates and their significance:
  • 1517- Luther posts his thesis on the church door
  • 1534- Henry VIII splits with the church
  • 1620- Founding of the Plymouth colony
  • 1787- U.S. Constitution written
  • 1789- French Revolution
  • 1815- Industrial Revolution
  • 1847- Communist Manifesto published
5. Word Study: One of the following words:
Martin Luther translated the Bible into German. Include the German word in your word study:
  • Church
  • Heresy
  • Penance
  • Indulgence
  • Relic
  • Martyr
6. Read: A Poem a Day from American History in Verse. Read to Columbus and the Mayflower.

Choose ONE of the following:
  • Label a map of Germany with the cities which were important in Luther's life: Eisleben, Wittenberg, Worms, Eisenach, and Wartburg Castle.
  •  Make a skit out of a scene from Martin Luther's life, such as: singing for his breakfast, John Tetzel selling indulgences, Luther praying on the steps of the Santa Sanctorum, or his abduction to Wartburg Castle.
  • Learn more about one of the reformers and present what you learn to the class. Some examples of reformers are: Doctor Erasmus, John Wycliffe, Jan Hus, Ulrich Zwingli, William Tyndale or John Calvin.
  • Put together a presentation about one of earth's continents. Engage at least 2 or 3 of our senses with your presentation (sight, sound, taste, touch or smell).
Choose ONE of the following:
  • As Martin Luther prayed on the steps in Rome, he heard a voice, saying: "The just shall live by faith". What does this mean to you? How can you apply this to your life? Make a plan to "live by faith" and discuss it with your parents or mentor. Implement your plan and see if it makes a difference in your life.
  • William Tyndale was determined that everyone be allowed to read God's word in his own tongue. Take some time and consider how your life would be changed if you weren't able to read scripture for yourself. Consider how you can take advantage of the great blessing of owning personal scriptures. 
  • Choose a "Become" from the Journeyman or Master readings. 

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