Monday, October 21, 2013

November Apprentice Readings and Inspirements


1. Before you start your studies, make sure you complete your SAR (Student Accountability Report) or use another planning tool to plan out your week's studies

2. Read: The Witch of Blackbird Pond

3. Word Study: Choose a word from The Witch of Blackbird Pond and do a word study on it
  • The Witch of Blackbird Pond is full of great words like punctilious (ch. 2), chagrined (ch. 4) and propitious (ch. 13). Try to find an unusual word that no one else uses. Anyone who has a complete word study with a unique word (from the book and you are the only one who did a word study on that word) will be rewarded. Just a warning, though, you may have to use one of the synonyms listed for the word to be able to find something in scripture or a talk.
4. Memorize: This month's geography is North, Central and South America. Memorize the location and capital of all the countries on the American continents. Sister Bird will bring BIG treats for anyone who can get them ALL right. Depending on her mood, there may be treats for trying too :^)

5. Make sure you have your summary sheet to hand in

6. Read: A poem a day from American History in Verse to "The Eve of Bunker Hill"


This month I have combined the understand and become sections. The become part is bolded. Many of the become parts are personal so if you aren't comfortable sharing that part, it's ok. But, please still share the first part of your inspirement with the class.

Choose ONE of the following:
  • Imagine that you are Kit and want to tell a friend in Barbados about your new life. Write a letter that tells how you feel about being persecuted for being different. Have you ever felt like you were being picked on or persecuted for being different? How should we react to persecution? Jesus has told us to turn the other cheek- is that your first reaction, or is that something you need to work on? Write out your thoughts, scriptures you find and make a plan for what you will do when this happens to you (not if, because it happens to everyone).
  • In the story, Kit makes friends with Hannah and Prudence, even though they are shunned by the rest of the community. Why are Hannah and Prudence treated they way that they are? Think about the people you know- who do you know who is treated badly because of prejudice/the way people perceive them? What can you do for that person? Do something to make that person feel appreciated this week. Write down what you did and how you felt about it.
  • When Kit moved to Wethersfield, the people there had very different expectations for her. Think of a circumstance where expectations for you might change- as you grow older, move somewhere new, etc... How will you handle that? What changes would you be willing to make? What parts of your character, personality or beliefs are you unwilling to change? Write in your journal what you think the best things are about you. Now, write one thing you want to change and practice that change for a full day. Write about how you did.
  • Read The Story of Liberty ch. 31- Strangers and Pilgrims. Why did the pilgrims travel first to Holland, then to the American colonies? What was their motivation? Make a list of all the things the pilgrims had to sacrifice in order to get what they wanted. What is your main motivation? What do you think you might have to sacrifice to get it? Think of something you could sacrifice this week in order to get you closer to a goal. Follow through with your sacrifice for at least one full day.

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