Sunday, March 2, 2014

March Apprentice Readings and Inspirements

1. Read: How Book Chapters 8, 29, 30, 32

2. Read: Just Like Jesus: The Touch of God

3. Finish: The Kidnapped Prince

4. Read: "You Are My Hands" (Dieter F. Uchtdorf)


Read: The article entitled "Your Hands, Christ's Hands" (on the yahoo group)

5. Watch: 

6. Create:

Create a video, picture diary or artistic creation depicting hands serving the Lord. (you should use your own hands if possible ) Show your hands serving others and serving the Lord. If you are using a digital medium please send a link out on the blog on Thursday.

7. Think About:

Complete a word study on your chosen characteristic (for your leadership project). How does Christ emulate this characteristic? How does an effective leader emulate this characteristic? How does your chosen characteristic bless others?

8. Memorize:

Please pick your own thought, or poem, or quote AND scripture that has to do with Leadership, or the attribute you are studying for your leadership project this month. The following youth will share their memorization this week:
  • Aaron
  • Nic
  • Jared
  • Donovan
  • Arianna
  • Esther
  • Josee
  • Jennah
  • Makenna

9. Project:

Study about the person who emulates the characteristic you are studying as a part of your leadership project for this month. Please come to class prepared with a 1-2 minute oral presentation to share with the class on your person. Remember to share how this person emulates the quality you are trying to develop. Please plan to share how they used their hands to serve others. Continue working on your plan to gain the attribute you are learning about this month.

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