Sunday, September 29, 2013

October Apprentice Readings and Inspirements


Do ALL of the following:

1. Before you begin your studies, plan this week's studies and discuss it with your parents. Use something like a SAR (Student Accountability Report) and weekly parent mentor meeting (PMM)

2. Read: The Story of Liberty

  • Chapter 17: The Man Who Split the Church in Twain
  • Chapter 18: The Queen Who Burned Heretics
  • Chapter 21: Progress of Liberty in England
  • Chapter 23: The Queen of the Scots
  • Chapter 25: How the "Beggars" Fought for their Rights

3. Record: Do ONE of the following for each chapter:

  • Write 3-5 sentences about what you thought was important in the chapter OR
  • Draw a graphic summary or picture about what you thought was important in the chapter OR 
  • Add 2-3 people/events to your timeline and bring it to class to share with us

4. Memorize: The following geographical locations:

  • Equator
  • Prime Meridian
  • International Date Line
  • Pacific Ocean
  • Atlantic Ocean
  • Indian Ocean
  • Arctic Ocean
  • Southern Ocean

4a. Memorize: The locations and capitals of:

  • Austrailia
  • New Zealand
  • Tahiti
  • Cook Islands
  • Tonga
  • Somoa
  • Fiji
  • New Guinea

5. Bring to Class: A short current events story to share for "World in a Minute". Be prepared to show us where on the map your story takes place.

6. Read: A Poem a Day from American History in Verse. Read to the poem "Our Country"


Choose ONE of the following:

This month I want to see a presentation, but no prezis - I want to hear from you, not read it on a screen. Your presentation must include a written form (essay, poem, character sketch, short story...) to be turned in, but we'd also love to see you put your personality into the presentation with costume, pictures, music and/or food. Choose ONE of the following topics for your presentation:
  • Any of the characters from your history readings, examples would be Henry 8th, Sir Thomas More, Mary Queen of Scots, the English Queen Mary, or Queen Elizabeth
  • The siege of Leyden
  • Shakespeare (he was writing during the time of Queen Elizabeth)
  • The English martyrs (or the French martyrs if you want to read the chapters I didn't assign)


Choose ONE of the following:

  • During this time, there were more and more people willing to stand up for what they believed. Take some quiet time to think about what you are willing to stand up for and write in your journal how you will do that.
  • While discussing martyrs with a student recently she brought up the following point- do we really have to die for our beliefs? If God knows our heart and how we really feel, can't we just say that we recant and then go on believing in secret? What do you think about that? Discuss this with your parents!
  • Choose a “Become” from the Journeyman or Master readings

October Journeyman Readings and Inspirements

Do ALL of the following:
1. Research: Captain James Cook, and take notes on his life and travels
2. Timeline: Place Captain Cook (not Hook) on your timeline
3. Read: Call It Courage by Armstrong Sperry and choose a favorite quote, thought, or question to share with the class
4. Memorize: Be able to locate these islands of the Pacific:
New Zealand, Tahiti, Cook Islands, Tonga, Sandwich Islands
(Hawaii), Somoa, Fiji, Easter Island and any others you wish.
5. Word Study: From your reading; some ideas are: colonization, explore, force, fear, or desire

Choose ONE of the following (these are required to turn in):
  • Choose your own inspirement (this must be turned in as a hand written copy, so no prezis this time)
  • Research Captain Cook or another explorer; Leif Ericson, John Cabot, Amerigo Vespucci, Vasco de Balboa, Vasco De Gama, Juan Ponce de Leon, Francisco de Coronado, Hernado De Soto, Samuel de Champlain, Hernando Cortes. Write a report telling us about the explorer, where he went, why and what kind of man he was. Don't forget the why, it makes a difference. And..don't forget to put him on your timeline.
  • Find out about the settlement, Roanoak, and make up a story about what you think happened to them. Get creative! Be prepared to hand in :)
  • Create a map with the travels of all of the explorers. Be prepared to turn in your map and share at least one of them in class.
  • If you were to discover a new world what would you like it to be like? How did you get there and what adventures did you have on your way? Share this in a graphic summary , poem, skit or story. If you are doing a skit it should be printed out and parts assigned before class, and please hand in a written copy. Have fun with this!!!
  • Find out about one of the islands that James Cook went to or one in the Pacific Ocean and do a presentation on the culture of that island. Again- no prezis!
Choose ONE of the following to apply what you have learned:
  • Mafutu, in Call it Courage goes through the process of becoming a man. What are some of the things your culture uses to define this right of passage? What are some of the experiences and responsibilities this week that show you are more capable than you have been? Record in your journal.
  • It takes courage to travel where no one has been before. Do something this week that takes you out of your comfort zone. Record in your journal.
  • Choose a “Become” from the Apprentice or Master readings.